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Fast User Feedback

Obviously, for bigger, more in-depth requirements, we recommend hiring a Research / User Testing firm.  This method we find works well for quick, succinct, informative feedback from stakeholders of all types.

Here is a quick 5-20 min user/stakeholder survey method you can use mid-way through the design process:

To make this as simple as possible for you, I would recommend 2 separate questionnaires if you will for 2 different audiences: internal stakeholders (managers, marketing, salespeople, reception, warehouse people, etc) and external stakeholders (specific customers in our target profile demographics (target profiles are in the Design Brief doc).

To make this as simple as possible for you, I would recommend 2 separate questionnaires if you will for 2 different audiences: internal stakeholders (managers, marketing, salespeople, reception, warehouse people, etc) and external stakeholders (specific customers in our target profile demographics (target profiles are in the Design Brief doc).

For internal I would:

– Send the designs or show them the designs as you sit with them. (Note that you may want to just send a few of the templates, sending more may confuse them):
– Make sure they’re viewing them full screen (100% this is crucial)
– Ask them these questions:

1) What do you think of these designs for the website?
2) For your purposes, do you think customers can do what they need to order?
3) What do you like about it?
4) what do you dislike about it?
5) Would you change anything? If so, what?

For External I would:

  • Send the designs or show them the designs as you sit with them.  (Note that you may want to just send a few of the templates, sending more may confuse them):
  • Make sure they’re viewing them full screen (100% this is crucial)
  • Ask them these questions:

1) What do you think of these designs for the website?
2) If you were going to buy something, what would it be?
3) How would you do that based on these designs?
3) What do you like about them?
4) what do you dislike about them?
5) Would you change anything? If so, what?

How many & when to do these?

Let me know if you have any questions on this.  I wouldn’t wait until next round for these, I would do these now, even 5-10 mins per person and a total of say 10 internal and 10 external might be sufficient for each round.

Happy testing!

Picture of Tison Kelley

Tison Kelley

Kelley, B.S., helps firms achieve strategic goals through their web, digital, & human experiences. Kelley specializes in Human Experience in enterprise architectures. He has worked with the US Navy, Federal Aviation Administration, Higher Education Institutions, Health Care, Commercial Real Estate, Financial Planning firms, and hundreds public and private organizations around the world... (Continued)
Fast User Feedback

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