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The Future of Financial Advisor Marketing: Well-Positioned, Human-Centered Firms

The Future of Financial Advisor Marketing

This article was originally published on MuirEdison.com and was migrated when Muir Edison became a Breakthrough brand. Welcome to our first annual Future of Financial Advisor Marketing Insights Issue. We are including some of the market problems today, some of the shifts occurring and soon to occur, and the considerations Advisors should make when creating their marketing […]

Instructions for Your Photographer (Getting the most out of your photo shoot)

Instructions for Photoshoot for Your Website

This article was originally published on MuirEdison.com and was migrated when Muir Edison became a Breakthrough brand. Article Highlights: How to help your photographer, and get the most from your photo shoot We get asked this on a weekly basis by financial advisor firms (and other legal and expert firms), so it’s time we published […]

Strategic Marketing Approaches

Financial Advisor Strategic Marketing Approaches

This article was originally published on MuirEdison.com and was migrated when Muir Edison became a Breakthrough brand. Key Takeaways: Selecting Your Marketing Approach: Transactional, Relationship, or Expertise Marketing? Why Your Marketing Approach Matters Clients have been asking us since the early 2000’s (back when yellow pages were still in use):  What is the hot new marketing […]

16 Great Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies

Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies

This article was originally published on MuirEdison.com and was migrated when Muir Edison became a Breakthrough brand. How to use this Guide: This Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies guide is a list of time-tested, sustainable strategies listed in order from most crucial down to optional. My hope is that you prioritize the following with your team, […]

Financial Advisors: Upgrade Your Virtual Meeting Experience

Financial Advisors: Upgrade Your Virtual Meeting Experience

This article was originally published on MuirEdison.com and was migrated when Muir Edison became a Breakthrough brand. During and after the pandemic, your virtual experience many times IS the client experience. Your virtual meeting is an extension of your office, your dress, your brand.  So, you might as well make it as sleek, beautiful, and […]

Top 10 Things you MUST do in Syracuse, NY (an insider’s guide)

Top 10 Things to Do in Syracuse NY

07/11/22 Note: This post was an archived post from the old Breakthrough Design site, published March 12th, 2007. Since it’s posting – some of these businesses are no longer around (We miss you Blue Tusk, Clark’s, Tokyo Seoul, Jalapeno’s and more..). A revised Syracuse list was published here on September 14th 2017, and a new list will […]